Modafinil is a well-known nootropic that has been used since the 1970s to treat sleep disorders, narcolepsy and ADHD. It’s one of the most popular smart drugs around, but with some caveats: it can’t be prescribed in many countries (including Canada) and you have to have your doctor sign off on an exemption. Even then, they’ll only write out a prescription when there are very few alternatives left.

In this article, I will be going over the steps on how to get a modafinil prescription from your doctor.

Users of smart drugs are keen to understand how they may get a Modafinil prescription.

Unless these nootropics devotees live in one of the few nations where Modafinil is available over-the-counter, it seems that the old-fashioned method is the only possible option: See a doctor to get a Modafinil prescription for a valid medical problem.

But how can one get a Modafinil prescription without breaking the law in their own country?

Why do individuals require a Modafinil prescription in the first place?

Is it feasible to get Modafinil for a use that is not included on the FDA’s approved list of uses?

In this article, we’re going to look at Modafinil prescriptions. We will talk about whether you need a prescription to use Modafinil, why you might want to use Modafinil, and how yo get a Modafinil prescription if you decide the nootropic and eugeroic is something you want to utilize.

Where Is The Best Place To Get Modafinil in 2023?

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It can be difficult to know where to actually get Modafinil right now. In most jurisdictions, Modafinil is a prescription medication available only as Provigil (or Nuvigil if you are prescribed Armodafinil).

There's also the issue of untrustworthy vendors that take your money and deliver counterfeit or low quality product - or sometimes no product at all!

So where can you feel confident when buying Modafinil online without a prescription?

Modafinil XL is currently our top rated Modafinil vendor in the world, and is hands down the best place to buy Modafinil online.

We have ordered from these guys dozens of times now and each time they deliver top quality generic Modafinil brands within 3-4 days for an unbeatable price.

The benefits of ordering from over other merchants are:

  • Superior quality product than smaller vendors
  • Modafinil sourced from reputable generic pharamceutical labs
  • US-based company shipping internally for US customers
  • Market-beating prices for Modalert, Waklert, Artvigil, and other popular Modafinil brands
  • Offers chewable sublingual Modafinil tablets for convenience

The best thing about Modafinil XL - besides the priority US shipping from US-based facilities - is the price. Clicking the link below will take you to the site where you'll find as much as 50% off the leading Modafinil brands, as well as the offer of free, no obligation samples of Armodafinil and Modafinil.


What does Modafinil do?

Let’s take a look at what Modafinil accomplishes and why it’s such a popular medicine.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized modafinil for the treatment of numerous sleep disorders [1]:

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a kind of sleep apn (OSA) is a kind of sleep apn
  • Narcolepsy
  • Sleep disturbances caused by shift work

Although the FDA authorized Modafinil for the treatment of Narcolepsy in 1998, it had previously been licensed in France for the same reason in 1994. Modafinil was sold under the brand name “Modiodal” back then.

Because Modafinil may alleviate excessive daytime drowsiness in sleep-deprived people, interested biohackers wanted to test whether the same effects might be seen in healthy adults who didn’t have sleep issues.

Modafinil, to their surprise, produced a wide variety of cognitive advantages [2], including enhanced attention, information processing, long-term memory, and mood elevation.

People from many areas of life eager to get their hands on Modafinil for off-label usage, and word traveled swiftly [2]:

“During the research period, the number of patients getting modafinil grew about 10-fold, from 57 768 in 2002 to 555 691 in 2009.”

On-label usage climbed by less than a third, whereas off-label use increased by more than a quarter.”

This report was released in 2013 [2], and it’s logical to assume that Modafinil usage has skyrocketed since then.

As you can see, individuals went to their physicians in droves to receive a Modafinil prescription – and they still do.

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Side Effects and Safety Concerns with Modafinil

Because Modafinil is a prescription medication, it is certain to have a number of side effects and safety risks.

Modafinil’s side effects seem to be both uncommon and minor in intensity. There are established ways for fast decreasing and/or eliminating Modafinil adverse effects in the rare circumstances when they occur.

Modafinil side effects

The following are the most prevalent Modafinil adverse effects as reported in the medical literature [3]:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry mouth and eyes
  • Insomnia

There are a few less common but more significant adverse effects that may occur, including (but not limited to):

  • A severe rash on the skin
  • Chest discomfort
  • Hallucinating
  • Breathing problems

Anyone suffering any of the major Modafinil side effects, or who notices common adverse symptoms that last for a long time after using Modafinil, should stop taking it and visit a doctor right once.

Check whether you have a genetic mutation that renders CYP2D6 – the enzyme responsible for metabolizing Modafinil — less efficient if you’re into genetic profiling. This would make you a “poor” Modafinil metabolizer, meaning you’d have more of the medication in your bloodstream than typical [4].

If this is the case, you and your doctor will need to change the dosage.

Do you need a Modafinil prescription?

Do you need a Modafinil prescription

Is it necessary to have a Modafinil prescription in order to obtain the smart drug?

This is true in the vast majority of nations. You should absolutely do your homework and look into Modafinil’s legal status in your nation.

Here’s how Modafinil is treated in several nations, as well as the ramifications for receiving a Modafinil prescription [5, 6, 7]:

Modafinil is a Schedule IV prohibited drug in the United States of America, making it unlawful to sell or possess it without a prescription.

Canada – Schedule F restricted drug; human and animal usage requires a prescription.

Russia – Schedule 2 restricted drug; possession is only permitted with a prescription.

Mexico – not a restricted drug; offered as “Modiodal” over-the-counter.

India – not a regulated drug; freely accessible.

China – Class 1 psychotropic medicine that is not authorized for medical use and may only be prescribed for three days by a registered physician.

Australia – Schedule IV restricted substance; usage requires a prescription.

To acquire and use Modafinil in European Union nations, a prescription is necessary.

When in doubt, presume that Modafinil is a prohibited medication that requires a doctor’s prescription to possess or sell.

However, this hasn’t prevented individuals from obtaining Modafinil in whatever way they can. “Prescription sales for this class of medications have surged by 73 percent in four years, from $832,687,000 in 2007 to $1,440,160,000 in 2011,” according to an ABC News piece. [8].

The first thing nootropic consumers look at when learning how to acquire a Modafinil prescription is what Modafinil is normally given for.

What Medical Conditions is Modafinil Used to Treat?

To receive a Modafinil prescription, you’ll need to show your doctor that you have a medically valid cause for taking the drug.

In the United States, for example, it is totally normal for your doctor to sign off on a prescription for an off-label usage of a medicine like Modafinil [9]:

“…after a medicine has been approved for marketing by the FDA, doctors may prescribe it for purposes or patient demographics not listed on the label.” They may also prescribe medications in doses or delivery methods not listed on the label.

However, in most countries, off-label prescriptions include a variety of legal and medical hazards for the prescribing practitioner.

And chances are small to none that you’ll be able to get a Modafinil prescription just for the purpose of pharmaceutical cognitive improvement. Even if you do, your insurance provider is unlikely to pay it [10].

Medical Conditions Approved By The FDA For Modafinil Prescription

Let’s pretend you’re in the United States and want to obtain Modafinil prescription for an authorized ailment.

You should have no trouble receiving a Modafinil prescription if you have one of the following three conditions [11]:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Shift work sleep disorder

Having these conditions will also allow you to get a Modafinil prescription from most countries in Europe. In some jurisdictions, Modafinil is also being prescribed as a treatment for ADHD, but this is rare. Below is a brief overview of the main conditions for which Modafinil is prescribed.


Narcolepsy is a sleep condition in which individuals fall asleep unexpectedly and struggle to remain awake during regular working hours owing to excessive daytime drowsiness [12].

Narcolepsy demands rapid medical treatment since it may be life-threatening in some occupations and everyday activities (such as driving).

To analyze your sleep habits, your doctor will likely do a battery of blood tests and laboratory tests, as well as collect measurements. You will only be given Modafinil if you fulfill the relevant diagnostic criteria.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

OSA, like narcolepsy, is a severe medical condition that demands prompt attention. During sleep, patients with OSA have restricted air flow to the point that the usual flow of air is interrupted many times. This usually results in snoring, but it may potentially develop to serious health issues including hypertension and Heart problems if left untreated [13].

Modafinil is supposed to be used in conjunction with established OSA therapies, not as a substitute [14].

And, much like with narcolepsy, your doctor will most likely expose you to a battery of sleep exams and blood tests, followed by an OSA diagnosis and a decision on whether Modafinil can assist you with your daytime drowsiness.

Shift Work Sleep Disorder (SWSD)

The formal medical definition of SWSD is as follows:

“Shift work sleep disorder (SWSD) is a type of circadian rhythm sleep disorder resulting from a sleep-wake pattern that is dyssynchronous with one’s internal biologic rhythm.”

Low energy, difficulties focusing, feeling sleepy even after getting enough sleep, and excessive drowsiness at periods of the day when you need to be completely aware are all symptoms [15].

Any internet company owner, freelancer, or self-employed person may admit to pulling all-nighters on a regular basis. They have extreme daytime drowsiness the following days as a consequence of shift work disorder.

Some physicians, however, may ask for a reference from a previous employer and confirmation that late-night working hours are a typical part of the patient’s weekly routine.

Indications that you may not be able to get a Modafinil prescription

Even if you check all of the boxes, your doctor may still refuse to write you a Modafinil prescription for other reasons.

This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it will give you a sense of what a doctor looks for [16, 17]:

  • Mothers who are nursing their children
  • Maternity (a few small studies have shown birth defects in newborn babies)
  • Heart problems
  • Inadequate liver function
  • Drug addiction/abuse
  • Contraception use (Modafinil can reduce its effectiveness)
  • Drug interactions with current drugs can cause undesirable side effects and/or diminish the efficacy of such treatments.

If you are given the go-ahead for a Modafinil prescription, your doctor may contact you occasionally to check your need for the drug.

How do you get a Modafinil Prescription?

Based on all of the information we have presented; you probably have a good idea of  What is the Procedure for Obtaining a Modafinil Prescription?.

However, it goes without saying:

Under no circumstances should you try to deceive your doctor into believing you have a sickness or problem. Doctors are becoming more aware of young individuals seeking a diagnosis for prescription stimulants like Adderall [18].

This is known as “malingering,” and if you are discovered doing so, you may face legal repercussions [19].

How to get a Modafinil prescription

However, we do have input from readers and team members who have successfully obtained Modafinil prescriptions around the world — whether for Sleep disturbances caused by shift work or off-label.

Here are their recommendations for readers who believe they may need a Modafinil prescription:

  • Do your homework ahead of time.

If you have a condition for which Modafinil has been demonstrated to be safe and helpful in a few human trials, read the research in advance of your consultation to fully understand how Modafinil could benefit you.

Patients have been prescribed Modafinil for a variety of off-label diseases, including [2, 10]:

  • Fatigue caused by illnesses like multiple sclerosis
  • A work schedule that includes night shifts (mention the risks of falling asleep on your job)
  • Depression at a moderate degree

Alternatively, you might look for alternatives to treatments that have previously proven ineffective:

  • Coffee makes you nervous and agitated.
  • Adrafinil, the precursor of Modafinil, is well-known for causing liver problems.
  • Withdrawal effects from Adderall are possible.

Know all there is to know about Modafinil, including its adverse effects, advantages, and therapeutic doses. This will demonstrate to your doctor that you can take Modafinil properly without misusing it.

  • In your own words, describe your symptoms.

Describe your symptoms in detail, including how severe they are, when they began, and how they have impacted your ability to operate normally.

However, do not repeat the symptoms from WebMD verbatim. A skilled doctor can tell when a patient is only looking for a quick method to acquire a Modafinil prescription.

  • Be courteous and on time.

Arrive on time and act professionally and courteously. Nothing irritates physicians more than a patient who is consistently late or talks in an obnoxious manner.

If you make an appointment ahead of time, explain to the receptionist why you want to see the doctor (e.g., “I have trouble staying awake throughout the day and believe I may be suffering from chronic tiredness”).

We don’t recommend revealing that you need a prescription for a certain substance like Modafinil. If a doctor suspects you of “pill farming,” he or she may refuse to provide you a prescription.

  • Try a different doctor if all else fails.

This is NOT an endorsement of hopping from doctor to doctor until you locate one who will write a Modafinil prescription for you.

If you take risks with your approach, you risk having “drug-seeking” added to your medical record, making it far more difficult to acquire a prescription for a restricted substance in the future.

However, many doctors may not even be aware of Modafinil, much alone be up to date on the newest medical research.

Doctors, in any case, have their own experiences and pReferences when it comes to prescription drugs. Some doctors may be happy to write a Modafinil prescription, while others would be wary.

What kind of Doctors can prescribe Modafinil?

Any doctor who is qualified to assess sleep disorders and write prescriptions can give you a Modafinil prescription. So a GP can prescribe your Modafinil or Armodafinil, as can a doctor you see through an online consultation or telehealth service.

What If Your Doctor Won’t Prescribe Modafinil?

What should you do if your doctor won’t prescribe Modafinil?

The answer is simple: nothing.

If your doctor won’t write you a prescription for Modafinil, then it is likely that you don’t meet the criteria for any of the conditions for which Provigil or Nuvigil are used. Another possibility is that you can be diagnosed with a sleep disorder, but your doctor has decided that Modafinil is not the right treatment option for you.

Doctor wont prescribe Modafinil

You could also try to get a second opinion if you truly believe you would benefit a great deal from taing Modafinil. It is always possible that your doctor has misdiagnosed your symptoms and another doctor will be happy to prescribe you Modafinil.

Failing this, your only other option is to buy Modafinil without a prescription by using an online pharmacy.

Purchasing Modafinil Without a Prescription Online

Is it feasible to get Modafinil without first obtaining a prescription?

“Yes,” is the quick answer.

When compared to getting a Modafinil prescription, buying Modafinil online is far cheaper, the procedure is much simpler, and the Modafinil pills are delivered right to your home.

An online pharmacy may charge 30 tablets of Modafinil at 200 mg per tablet may cost $0.70-2.50USD per pill from an online pharmacy but paying for a prescription could cost up to $10USD per pill [20]!.70-2.50 USD each pill for 30 Modafinil 200 mg pills, whereas a prescription might cost up to $10 USD per pill [20]!

Modafinil without a prescription

When purchasing Modafinil online, there are a few legal issues, so here’s what we’ve learned from hundreds of our readers who have done so successfully…

The majority of nations do not make it illegal to possess Modafinil for personal use. Nobody has ever been arrested for having Modafinil supplied to their house for personal use, as far as we know.

In most countries, however, it is unlawful for retail pharmacies to offer Modafinil to people who do not have a doctor’s prescription.

Customs may return a Modafinil delivery to the online pharmacy in the worst-case situation, or it may be delayed at customs.

Because most respectable online Modafinil merchants are aware of this, they will either re-ship your order or provide a full refund.

Can you get a Modafinil prescription online?

It is possible to get a Modafinil prescription done entirely online. Some telehealth providers and even regular general practitioners now offer virtual consultations with a qualified doctor. If they think you have narcolepsy or another condition treatable with Modafinil, then they may write you a prescription for Provigil or Nuvigil.

Conclusion: How to get a Modafinil Prescription

Finally, if your doctor thinks Modafinil is a good medical therapy for you, you may receive a prescription for Modafinil. This will happen if you are suffering from conditions such as shift work sleep disorder, narcolepsy, or obstructive sleep apnea.

Buying Modafinil online from a reputable seller, on the other hand, is a lot more cost-effective and speedier method to get your Modafinil. You’ll get Modafinil that’s chemically similar to what a doctor would prescribe, and you don’t need a prescription to get it.

If you’re interested in using Modafinil, particularly if you want to use it for purposes of cognitive enhancement or productivity boosts, then we recommend ordering Modafinil online from a reputable vendor rather than trying to get a prescription.

Just be sure to properly investigate any laws that may apply to you, and don’t try to share or resell your Modafinil pills under any circumstances. You can buy Modafinil online without a prescription in the US, Cananda, Australia, UK, and many countries in the EU.

We recommend buying your Modafinil from We have tried several vendors and ModafinilXL has so far been the most proessional and reliable. They supply high-quality, pharma-grade product quickly and for market-leading prices.

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Modafinil Prescription FAQs

Do you need a prescription for Provigil?

Provigil is a prescription medication. As Provigil is simply a branded form of Modafinil, it falls under the same laws which restrict the use of Modafinil to people with doctors prescriptions.

Can you legally buy Modafinil online in the US?

Modafinil is a controlled substance in the US and is only available for purchase with a valid prescription from a doctor. However, it is possible to buy Modafinil online from an online pharmacy without a prescription in most jurisdictions.

Where can I buy Provigil?

You cannot buy Provigil from a pharmacy if you live in the US. You can purchase Provigil from an online pharmacy, but this will usually be very expensive compared to generic forms of Modafinil such as Artvigil or Modvigil.

Who can prescribe Modafinil?

Only a medical doctor or a primary care physician (PCP) can legally prescribe Modafinil in the US, Canada, UK and Australia.

Does insurance cover Modafinil?

Modafinil is covered as a Tier 1 generic by many insurance plans. That is assuming you have a valid Modafinil prescription from a qualified doctor. The most popular generic Modafinil is Artvigil.

Can an online doctor prescribe Modafinil?

Yes, an online doctor can prescribe Modafinil if they are qualified to assess sleep disoders and to write prescriptions for your jurisdiction.


  1. MA Kredlow, A Keshishian, S Oppenheimer, and M W Otto. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Modafinil’s Efficacy as a Cognitive Enhancer 2019;39(5):455-461 in J Clin Psychopharmacol. doi:10.1097/JCP.0000000000001085
  2. RA Pealoza, U Sarkar, DM Claman, and TA Omachi. In a nationally representative population, trends in on-label and off-label modafinil usage were examined. 173(8):704-706 in JAMA Intern Med. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.2807
  3. Modafinil. (accessed May 15, 2020).
  4. Modafinil. (accessed May 15, 2020).
  5. Modafinil. (accessed May 17, 2020).
  6. Modafinil. (accessed May 16, 2020).
  7. Modafinil., retrieved 17 May 2020.
  8. Is Provigil the Key to Your Success? (accessed May 19, 2020).
  9. Off-label prescribing: a plea for more professional and government monitoring. Dresser R, Frader J. J Law Med Ethics, 37(3), 476-396, 2009. doi:10.1111/j.1748-720X.2009.00408.x
  10. Modafinil Off-Label Use (accessed May 20, 2020).
  11. PROVIGIL® C-IV MEDICATION GUIDE (accessed May 18, 2020).
  12. Narcolepsy. (accessed May 21, 2020).
  13. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a kind of sleep apn (OSA) is a kind of sleep apn. Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  14. AURO-MODAFINIL PRODUCT MONOGRAPH (accessed May 20, 2020).
  15. Gude D. Waking up to modafinil in Sleep disturbances caused by shift work. Ind Psychiatry J. 2011;20(2):145. doi:10.4103/0972-6748.102533
  16. Modafinil is a stimulant (Oral Route). (accessed May 21, 2020).
  17. Apo-Modafinil. (accessed May 19, 2020).
  18. Stimulant prescription cautions: managing abuse, diversion, and malingering, by D.L. Rabiner. doi:10.1007/s11920-013-0375-2. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2013;15(7):375.
  19. Malingering., retrieved 20 May 2020.
  20. Prices, Coupons, and Patient Assistance Programs for Modafinil, retrieved May 23, 2020

About the Author P. Tardner

Paul Tardner is the Head Writer at Paul is a former academic and research scientist. He now dedicates his time to his own research into nootropics, with a particular focus on cognitive enhancement in old age. You can learn more about Paul from his profile page.
